Educational Kits

Introducing ACR’s Educational Kits – designed to ignite curiosity and foster hands-on learning for growing minds. These kits offer a blend of skill-building and immersive experiences, all while centered around the creative use of recycled materials.
With a diverse range of topics spanning from science to art, our Educational Kits empower young minds to explore, discover, and grow while promoting sustainability.

Collage Kit


Our Collage Kit is designed to inspire artistic expression while promoting the importance of reusing and repurposing materials in an eco-friendly way.

Inside each Collage Kit, you will discover a treasure trove of artistic possibilities. We believe that every student has a unique vision waiting to be brought to life, so we've included a vibrant selection of colorful paper, pictures, stickers, phrases, and more.

With our Collage Kit, the creative possibilities are endless. Students can explore different textures, shapes, and colors as they meticulously arrange and layer materials to craft their one-of-a-kind collages.

Promote creativity, resourcefulness, and environmental consciousness with our Collage Kit. Let the imagination run wild!

  • 3 Colored Pencils

    1 Gel Pen



    Colorful Paper


    Tips for Collaging

Flapping Butterfly Kit


Introducing our Flapping Butterfly Kit - an educational and environmentally conscious activity that sparks the imagination and encourages constructing and engineering skills. 

Inside each Flapping Butterfly Kit, you will find everything you need to create five paper butterflies that actually flap their wings!

Kids will put their problem-solving and critical thinking skills to use through the assembly process. With the help of the included straws and easy-to-follow instructions, children can construct mechanisms that make the butterflies' wings flap. This promotes an understanding of basic engineering principles in an engaging and interactive way.

Come in to the store to pick up, or order your Flapping Butterfly Kit today and let the educational adventure begin!

  • 5 Paper Butterflies

    10 Straws

    Crayons for Coloring


Paper Mache Birdhouse Kit


Our Paper Mache Birdhouse Kit ignites creativity, promotes sustainability, and offers a hands-on learning experience. With this kit, you can create five bird houses with reused materials.

As you craft these birdhouses, you'll not only create charming homes for our feathered friends but also embark on a valuable learning journey. The kit encourages hands-on exploration, problem-solving, and artistic expression.

Our Paper Mache Birdhouse kit is an invitation to explore the art of paper mache, deepen your connection with nature, and contribute to a greener world.

  • Liquid Glue

    Tissue Paper

    5 Cords

    5 Balloons



  • 1b, c

    2a, b, c

    3a, b


  • 1a, b, c, d

    2a, b, c

    3a, b, c


  • 1a, b, c

    2a, b, c

    3a, b, c


  • 1a, b, c

    2a, b, c, d

    3a, b

    4a, b

  • 1a, b

    2a, b, f

    3a, b

    4a, b, c

  • 1a, b

    2a, d, f

    3a, b

    4a, b, e

  • 1a, b

    2a, d, f

    3a, b

    4a, b, f

  • 1a

    2a, d, f

    3a, b

    4a, b, f

Pencil Bag Sewing Kit


Introducing our Pencil Bag Sewing Kit! Combining creativity, sustainability, and the joy of learning; this kit provides everything you need to make five pencil bags while promoting environmental consciousness and learning a life-long skill.

Beyond the act of crafting, this kit offers an engaging and educational experience. With easy-to-follow instructions and simple sewing techniques, it's the perfect opportunity to introduce beginners, including children, to the joys of sewing and creativity. The kit encourages exploration, problem-solving, and hands-on learning, fostering valuable skills.

  • 1 Needle

    Thread Spool

    10 Buttons/Beads for Embellishments

    Fabric (enough to create 5 bags)


Plushie Kit


The Plushie Kit combines creativity, sustainability, and the joy of learning. With this kit, you can create five plushies while promoting eco-consciousness and the art of crafting.

Inside the kit, you'll find a needle and thread, and enough fabric to create several plushies. Buttons and charms are also included for decorations.

Our easy-to-follow instructions and helpful tips will guide you through the process, making it a fun and educational experience for all while giving new life to used textiles.

Creating plushies not only fosters imagination and artistic expression but also encourages fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. It's a fantastic activity for children, providing a hands-on learning experience that boosts creativity and cultivates patience and attention to detail.

  • 1 Needle

    Thread Spool


    Fabric (enough for several plushies)


Popsicle Stick Catapult Kit


Popsicle Catapult Kit - an educational activity that combines the thrill of engineering and constructing with the excitement of science exploration.

Inside each Popsicle Catapult Kit, you will find everything you need to build two functioning catapults from repurposed materials as well as a tower to launch pom-poms into. 

But this kit isn't just about constructing catapults; it's also a hands-on science experiment. Explore the principles of velocity and trajectory as your students send pom-poms soaring through the air!

With different sized pom-poms; experiment with different weights and sizes to see how they affect the distance and accuracy of your launches. This activity not only promotes scientific thinking but also encourages problem-solving and critical analysis.

With easy-to-follow instructions, this kit provides a step-by-step guide to building and operating your catapults as well as instructions to play a two person game!

Promote engineering skills, scientific exploration, and eco-consciousness with our Popsicle Catapult Kit. Let the catapulting begin!

  • 10 Popsicle Sticks

    8 Rubber Bands

    6 Pom Poms (in various sizes)

    Paper (to construct tower)

    2 Bottle Caps
