September Volunteer Spotlight: Jim Miller

  While most ACR volunteers help to process the tons of donations we take in each month, some folks donate their other skills and talents to the organization. Long-time volunteer Jim Miller puts his tool belt to work - crafting DIY fixtures and working through the laundry list of things that are in need repair or improvement. Whether you know it or not, you've likely seen Jim's handiwork throughout the center (be sure to thank him next time you see him!). We're immensely appreciative of everything Jim does to help out ACR. His problem solving ability, can-do attitude, and sense of humor are unmatched! Thanks, Jim! What motivates you to volunteer for ACR? Well, the ACR Board President, Carole LeClair, is my wife. My initial motivation to volunteer was a bit selfish - to keep Carole happy and thereby avoid sleeping on the couch. But seriously, I strongly believe in ACR's mission. I enjoy working on the list of "Jim jobs" that Jen and Kat maintain.  I especially enjoy working on new DIY benches and display fixtures.  How long have you been involved with ACR? About 7 years I suppose, but I have had much more time to volunteer since retiring about 1.5 years ago. Where else have/do you volunteer? Just ACR on a consistent basis right now, but I am actively exploring new volunteer ideas. What do you enjoy the most out of volunteering at ACR? Chatting with the nice folks in the center. Dumpster diving with my fearless wife. Working on the list of Jim jobs. Do you have any interesting or funny stories about something that happened while you were volunteering at ACR?I was initially terrified of most of the ACR staff and volunteers, especially in the old center on a busy day there was nowhere to stand without interfering with someone. I felt like a long-tailed cat in a room of rocking chairs. Interestingly it was Vernon who showed me a guy could contribute. He is such a rock star at ACR I felt a bit jealous. 

Here are just a few of things Jim has built for ACR:



Sustainability Spotlight: Break it Down


Announcing ACR's New Executive Director, Jenn Evans!