Sustainability Spotlight: Break it Down

 What is the mission of your company or organization?At Break It Down, we envision a world where resources are valued, not wasted. What environmental issues does your company address?Break It Down focuses on sustainable waste management. We divert materials away from the landfill by providing recycling and composting services for our clients.Composting is the process of decomposing organic material. Through the management of the nitrogen-rich and carbon-rich materials, you can produce nutrient-rich soil. This end product has many uses, and thus adds value to the organics, instead of just letting them pile up in a landfill. We also allocate pure veggie and fruit scraps to be used as nutritious animal feed by local farmers.   What eco-friendly initiatives does your company or organization uphold?We are working with Austin Resource Recovery to help Austin achieve our Zero Waste goal by 2040.Did you know that by composting organic matter and diverting it from the landfill, we're reducing the release of methane, a greenhouse gas 25 times morepotent than carbon dioxide? Methane is a significant contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions and is a very potent heat-trapping gas. Composting is one way our city can reduce our GHG emissions.  How do you hope to make an impact on the Austin community or world at large?We aim to find the highest-value end-use for the materials that we collect! Whether it's diverting edible leftover food to feed animals or giving back to the earth through our full-service composting program, Break it Down is changing food waste diversion here in Austin.We also recognize the value of community education. We provide our clients with immersive, bilingual trainings to share the importance of sustainability, and taking care of our planet amidst the climate crisis.Where can we find out more about your company or organization?Our website: our socials: Facebook: @LetsbreakitdownatxInstagram: @breakitdownatxTwitter: @letsbreakitdown 


September Reuse & Rethink Winner: Debbie S


September Volunteer Spotlight: Jim Miller