March Reuse and Rethink Winner: Erin B!

This month for our Reuse & Rethink Contest, we asked you to show us your best Reuse in the Yard! We're pleased to announce this month's winner is Erin Boyle! Erin used an old helmet as a planter, and was so inspired by the idea that she reached out to her local Buy Nothing group for more old helmets to use as a planter!
Here's what our judges had to say:
"This is a very creative and unexpected use of helmets. The entire idea and execution are amazing. The thought to make planters out of helmets is what put this on top for me."
"I think this is great all across the board. I love that she reached out to her gardening group to source more helmets to divert. You can tell she thought through the functionality with trying to prevent water damage."
Congrats, Erin! And as always, thank you to everyone who participated in this month's contest. Your creativity always inspires us!

April Reuse and Rethink: Easter Eggs!


Staff Spotlight: Bianca Fuentes