Staff Spotlight: Bianca Fuentes

 Each month, we feature one of the incredible staff members who help make the magic happen at ACR. This month, it’s Shift Lead and Online Store Coordinator, Bianca Fuentes! Bianca started out as a core volunteer when we were located at the Linc. She was hired on as staff just before our big move and was quickly promoted to a Shift Lead. Something you may not know is that Bianca is the face behind our online store! She ensures a good variety of items are posted each day, orders are fulfilled correctly, and that the inventory stays organized. Read more about Bianca below and see her tutorial for a Doll Head PlanterHow did you find Austin Creative Reuse?I learned about it while thrift shopping with a friend of mine. A woman overheard us talking and told us about it. I researched it online and signed up to volunteer.  What’s your favorite part about working at ACR?Learning new artistic mediums. I did acrylic painting here and there, then I did sewing for a while. And now I’m really interested in clayworks, which is how I came up with my DIY.   Are you an artist, crafter, or maker? What mediums do you work with?A crafter. I work with all sorts of mediums. It's hard to really pinpoint one that I am designated to. All sorts of things that come up. Embroidery, clayworks, etc.  What do you do when you’re not working at ACR?Usually I like to be outdoors, hiking, traveling, camping. If not, I definitely love to play video games.  What’s the craziest thing you found in donation mountain?Probably a diamond with a certificate of authenticity. It was stuck in an envelope. I happened to look inside for some paper and the certificate fell out along with a little diamond. 

About Bianca:
Bianca is a west Texas native and has lived in Austin for over ten years. When she was young, she drew and painted on almost anything she could get her hands on and then it evolved into a variety of all creative things such as woodworking, photography, and sewing. Growing up with her family and a small lot of farm animals led her to a love for nature and all things living. With that, it gave her passion to want to live a sustainable life and be a part of any action that can reduce negative environmental impact.



March Reuse and Rethink Winner: Erin B!


Volunteer at ACR as a Core Volunteer!