Getting to Know New Retail Supervisor, Alisa!


Last month, we welcomed our new Retail Supervisor, Alisa Pronovost (she/her) to the ACR team and we are so grateful to have her! Now, we want the rest of the world to get to know how amazing she is in this interview, where we delve into her experiences at ACR, her artistic pursuits, and why she identifies as a “life long creative.”

How did you find Austin Creative Reuse?

I have been a customer since y’all opened in The Linc.  I dreamt of a place like this in my youth.  I became a core volunteer in January 2024. 

What’s your favorite part about working at ACR?

The merchandise, as any self respecting creative will admit.  But also the mission is of great importance to me and I am enjoying getting to know my new coworkers. Also most of the clientele really enjoys their shopping experience here.  

How’d you end up as a Retail Supervisor at ACR?

In January of 2024 I became unemployed from a job I had held for 16 years  (Retail Manager at local comfort shoe store) when the business lost its lease.  I started volunteering here at ACR and quickly became a core volunteer. I really enjoyed the volunteer experience so when this position opened up I applied.

Are you an artist, crafter, or maker? What mediums do you work with? 

I have always believed that creating helps keep us human and sane. My parents encouraged artistic hobbies, and had many themselves. I got my Bachelor’s in Fine Arts.  I have worked with a lot of mediums, but my current explorations are macrame, embroidery, natural dyes, papermaking and pen & ink designs. I have done some book binding in the past and am also trying to get better at sewing, a skill I did not inherit from my quilter Mom.


What do you do when you’re not working at ACR/what other hobbies do you have?

I love to read. I am an avid movie & documentary watcher. Music is the lifeblood of humanity, but I do not go to as many concerts as I did in my younger days.  I am quite a homebody, and really enjoy having downtime to spend with my art supplies & books.

Do you have any children or pets?

I did not have children.  However, being the favorite “aunt” to my cousin's kids is a very important role to me. I have a cat, and have pretty much always had a cat throughout my life. Baby is a small gray tabby named after the leopard in the Katherine Hepburn movie “Bringing Up Baby.” 


Are you from Austin? And if not, where are you from?

I moved to Austin in 1994 so I have been here a minute.  I am proudly from Maine, and identify as a Mainer.  I hope to move back one day but my parents retired to the Rio Grande Valley and I just got a great new job, so I am here for a while yet.

Where can people see more of your creations?


Isn’t she super talented?! We are just in awe of her beautiful creations. Please join us next month when we get to know another member of our fabulous staff!


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