October Reuse & [Re]Think Contest: Wooden Spools


Did you know the transition from wooden thread spools to plastic happened in the early 1970s due to the rising cost of wood? Before then, small, half penny deposits were levied on them and given back to the consumer once the thread had been completely used and returned.

Nowadays, you can often find vintage wooden spools in our center, along with craft spools that have been manufactured since the switch to plastic! For this month's Reuse & [Re]Think Challenge we want to see you break all the rules with wooden spools! Show us how you can reimagine wooden craft or thread spools in your next creative reuse project for a chance to win a $15 ACR gift card!


Once you’ve completed your creation, please provide at least 2 photos of your art piece, your contact info and a short description of materials used. Email your submission to rethink@austincreativereuse.org by the deadline.

Creations will be judged on incorporation of reuse materials, craftsmanship, and creativity.

One winner will be notified and receive a $15 gift card to ACR that can be redeemed either in center or our online store. They will also be announced on our social media.

Deadline: 11:59PM on Monday, October 31st

Please feel free to email rethink@austincreativereuse.org with any questions. Good luck!


Make: Collage (aka Sav’s Silly Art Tutorial)


Artist Spotlight: Sarah Greene Reed