Staff Spotlight: Abraham Neiswinter


We're thrilled to introduce you to Abraham (he/him), our mega-talented Social Media Specialist at Austin Creative Reuse! Abraham brings a unique perspective and design along with a passion for sustainability to all the content you’ve been seeing on our socials lately. Let's dive into his journey to ACR and what he loves most about working here!

How did you find Austin Creative Reuse?

I first heard about Austin Creative Reuse through one of my design professors. We had an industrial design project we needed materials for and he recommended finding them at ACR.

What’s your favorite part about working at ACR?

My favorite part about working at ACR is knowing that my efforts are going towards a good cause. It is very motivating and reassuring to know that what I am doing is helping keep our environment clean. I also really enjoy the work environment. Everyone is so friendly, thoughtful, and relaxed.

How’d you end up as a Social Media Specialist at ACR?

I actually found this opportunity through one of the University of Texas at Austin’s job fairs. I had been walking around looking at the different opportunities when I saw ACR’s table. I recognized it since I had visited ACR before. I was excited about the opportunity because I thought it would be nice to work towards a goal like sustainability.

What’s the most interesting thing you’ve found donated to ACR?

Recently someone donated dried bird feet. I also found a cigar-box guitar at ACR that I still have. It's fun to play slide guitar stuff on it.

Are you an artist, crafter, or maker? What mediums do you work with? 

I am not very crafty but my major is design so I do love to create things. I make a lot of digital creations like app designs, magazines, and 3D renders. I also enjoy making physical objects. I have casted some rings out of pewter before and we made a cutting board in that same class. Music is my favorite thing to make though.

What do you do when you’re not working at ACR/what other hobbies do you have?

Whenever I have free time I love to make music! I play guitar and bass and a little piano. I usually record songs and upload them to youtube or soundcloud. I have a few on Spotify as well. Once I’m done with school I really want to dedicate time to starting a band and performing around Austin! I also love anything that has to do with being active and outdoors.


Do you have any children or pets?

I have one cat named Valo. He is an orange cat that I have had for 4 years now. He is like my son. He loves attention and cuddles but he’s kind of crazy. 


Are you from Austin? And if not, where are you from?

I am not from Austin or even Texas. I was born in Nashville but I have lived in eight different states including Texas since I moved around a lot growing up. I just say that I am from all over or I say I’m American lol. I don’t really claim a state or city.

Needless to say, we're beyond grateful to have Abraham and his talents as part of our team. Join us next month when we get to know another member of our super staff at ACR!


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